Passive Voice For Simple Past Tense

Concept Explanation

Passive Voice For Simple Past Tense

Conversion of Active Voice Sentence into Passive Voice For Simple Past Tense:

Rule used to identify that the sentence is in Active Voice form with simple past tense is:

 you use was or were + past participle:

subject + second form of verb + object.

  • The army built this bridge. (active)
  • Here,the subject is ' the army',object is 'this bridge' and 'built' is second form of verb 'build'.

    While converting into Passive Voice the rule will be :

     subject + was/were + third form of verb + by + object.

  • This bridge was built by the army.(passive)
  • The given subject 'the army' will become object and the object 'this bridge' will become subject.Helping verb (was/were) will be used according to subject.If subject is singular then was will use or if subject is plural then were will use.'by' is used according rule.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Active: Over 300000 students took the college entrance exam.     

    Passive: The college entrance exam  __________  by over 300000 students. 

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Change active voice into passive voice.

    She consoled him for his loss.

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Change the given sentence in passive voice for simple past tense.

    Who asked you to draft this letter?

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
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